Frida 101
Hello you.
The last couple days I was learning about Frida
, and it is super interesting. That’s why I’m writing this article, but before I start go and check out this repo, it’s the best I’ve ever read about Frida.
To set up Frida
install frida-tools
using pip3 install frida-tools
and then download frida server to push it on our android emulator, you can find them here
There is so many releases but look for the frida-server
and choose the one that suite your computer architecture.
Then we need to unzip the file and push it on our Android emulator,
me personally I’m using genymotion
unzx frida-server-16.1.4-android-x86_64.xz
adb push frida-server-16.1.4-android-x86_64 /data/local/tmp/
make sure to have the latest version of XZ
to avoid backdoors
However, now that we have pushed frida-server go and chmod +x
and run it to start the magic.
Frida tools
To get the list of packages installed on your devices, we’ll use frida-ps
frida-ps -Uai
go the the manual page and check what these switches are used for.
Now, let’s attach frida
with an application.
frida -U -f com.amaze.filemanager
After executing this command, you’ll notice that the file manager
has started.
Hooking refers to the process of intercepting and modifying the behavior of functions or methods in an application or the Android system itself.
This is the template to hook a function
Java.perform(function() {
var <class_reference> = Java.use("<package_name>.<class>");
<class_reference>.<method_to_hook>.implementation = function(<args>) {
// continue editing on this function
// using the this here we can call the same function
ret_val = this.<method_to_hook>()
return ret_val;
if the function you are hooking needs arguments to function we can use the overload(arg_type)
<class_reference>.<method_to_hook>.overload('int', 'int').implementation = function(<args>)
Calling static function template
Java.perform(function() {
var <class_reference> = Java.use("<package_name>.<class>");
Changing static variable value template
Java.perform(function (){
var <class_reference> = Java.use("<package_name>.<class>");
<class_reference>.<variable>.value = <value>;
Instantiating a class template
Java.perform(function() {
var <class_reference> = Java.use("<package_name>.<class>");
var <class_instance> = <class_reference>.$new(); // Class Object
<class_instance>.<method>(); // Calling the method
Finding MainActivity instance template
Java.performNow(function() {
Java.choose('<Package>.<class_Name>', {
onMatch: function(instance) {
onComplete: function() {}
Hooking a class constructor template
Java.perform(function() {
var <class_reference> = Java.use("<package_name>.<class>");
<class_reference>.$init.implementation = function(<args>){
// ...
Hooking a native function template
Interceptor.attach(targetAddress, {
onEnter: function (args) {
console.log('Entering ' + functionName);
// Modify or log arguments if needed
// for reading a string from the memory we use
var arg0 = Memory.readUtf8String(args[0]);
console.log(`arg0 - ${arg0}`);
onLeave: function (retval) {
console.log('Leaving ' + functionName);
// Modify or log return value if needed
// to return a value of your choice
Note: to get the targetAddress
you can use a number of Frida API
calls such as:
Like this
[A10::com.ad2001.frida0x8 ]-> Module.enumerateExports('')
"address": "0x78c2fb3898c0",
"name": "Java_com_ad2001_frida0x8_MainActivity_cmpstr",
"type": "function"
"address": "0x78c2fb389aa0",
"name": "_ZN7_JNIEnv17GetStringUTFCharsEP8_jstringPh",
"type": "function"
"address": "0x78c2fb389ae0",
"name": "_ZN7_JNIEnv21ReleaseStringUTFCharsEP8_jstringPKc",
"type": "function"
// then you can get the function address by doing this
[A10::com.ad2001.frida0x8 ]-> var addr = Module.enumerateExports('')[0]['address']
[A10::com.ad2001.frida0x8 ]-> addr
That’s it for today, I really recommend you go and check this repo they did a really amazing job demonstrating Frida
and with hands-on labs. cya